Estimated reading: 8 minutes

Account Issues

Why can’t I log in to my Wonder Studio account?

It is possible that you have not created your account yet. Please navigate to app.wonderdynamics.com and at the bottom click the ‘Sign up’ button to create your account manually.

What should I do if I forgot or want to change my password?

Please be sure to check your spam folder for the password reset email, as these emails can often end up there.

Why can’t I accept the Terms of Service?

Some browser extensions block users from accepting the Terms and Conditions. Please turn off all extensions temporarily to be able to accept the Terms and Conditions. If that doesn’t work, and you are using Chrome, try opening the app web page in incognito mode. Also, Wonder Studio is not yet optimized for phone browsers so please be sure to use a desktop browser.

Billing and Credits

How can I check my account balance and limits?

You can find your account balance by going to the top right corner of the web app, clicking on your username icon, and then clicking ‘Settings’. On the left side, click on ‘Subscription Overview’.

Where can I find detailed information about billing and subscription tiers?

Please visit the Plans and Subscriptions page for detailed info about billing and tiers.

What are Credits and how do they work?

Wonder Studio’s credit system enables you to spend your subscription balance according to your needs.
Wonder Studio has multiple project types that require different amounts of resources for processing. Each second of project processing has an equivalent cost in credits.

Credit spending is as follows:

  • Live Action (Easy or Advanced):
    1 second = 20 credits
  • AI MoCap only:
    1 second = 4 credits
  • Animation / Video to 3D Scene
    1 second = 20 credits

How many Credits do I get per month?

The amount of credits you get each month depends on your subscription tier.

  • Lite users get 3,000 credits per month, which is equal to:
    • 150 seconds of Live Action
    • 750 seconds of AI MoCap
    • 150 seconds of Animation / Video to 3D Scene
  • Pro users get 12,000 credits per month, which is equal to:
    • 600 seconds of Live Action
    • 3,000 seconds of AI MoCap
    • 600 seconds of Animation / Video to 3D Scene

Do my monthly credits carry over to the next month if I don't use them?

Credits reset every month. They do not carry over from month to month.

What happens when I run out of credits?

Currently, when you run out of credits, you cannot process any more videos in Wonder Studio until next month when you receive your next batch of credits.

Can I buy additional credits?

Not yet, however, we are currently working to make it possible for you to purchase additional credits. Stay tuned for more info.

Custom Characters

Who can access my custom characters?

Only you can access, see, and use your characters. Your characters cannot be seen or used by anyone else.

Where can I find detailed documentation for custom character creation?

Where can I find tutorials for creating custom characters? 

We also have some quick start character creation tutorials here: Custom Character Tutorials

How can I get help for custom character issues?

If you cannot find the answers to your questions in these materials, our Discord is the best place to ask the community for help with specific questions about your custom character. We ask that you post any questions related to custom characters in the following channels:

💡 Visit the Character Setup page for more information.

Project Processing Issues

What browsers are supported by Wonder Studio for optimal performance?

Wonder Studio is currently optimized for Chrome and Safari. If you are having issues with the platform please first try using one of these browsers and see if the issue persists.

What does the "File Not Found" error mean?

This error usually happens when the input video is not uploaded successfully from your local machine to the cloud. Please make sure that you have a stable connection while the video upload is in progress and don’t close the window until the project has begun processing.
You can also upload your videos directly to the My Assets page to ensure that it is fully uploaded before processing. Visit the Video Upload page for more information.

What does the error code "eyJuYW1l..." mean?

This error is related to a network connection issue and can often be caused by a VPN blocking access to the platform. Please troubleshoot your network connection to see if you are able to gain access.

Why am I receiving video codec limitations errors?

Certain video formats with specific codecs are not supported in Safari and some of them fail in Google Chrome as well. If your video is not supported, try converting it to the .mp4 format with the H.264 encoding.

What should I do if my project fails without a specific error message?

If you did not receive a specific message for why your project failed, please submit a support ticket and we will look into your issue: Support Ticket
💡 Any lost minutes will be refunded.

Why does my clean plate appear blurry?

In some cases, the Clean Plate can look blurry resulting in a blurry outline around the character. This is usually caused by the system not having enough information about what is behind the actor. This issue can appear in static or tracking shots, where the framing of the shot causes the actor to completely obscure the background. In these cases, leaving a small portion of the video at the beginning and the end, where the background is fully visible, can help resolve the issue. Alternatively, on some tiers, the generated clean plate can be downloaded and further improved. Another option would be to film the clean plate separately and use it with the character pass in the compositing.


Can I edit clips and combine shots in the timeline?

Editing clips and combining multiple shots is currently not supported in the timeline. It is recommended to edit videos before uploading them into Wonder Studio. Editing tools are currently in development.

How does actor detection work in Wonder Studio?

Wonder Studio implements something called ReID to help identify actors across cuts. You can find a quick tutorial with an explanation of how best to use it here: ReID Tutorial

How can I get the best MoCap results?

There is a variety of tips and tricks you can follow to get the best MoCap results. There is a quick video tutorial here that explains some best practices: MoCap Tutorial

Can I upload a clean plate into Wonder Studio?

This feature is currently in development. In the meantime, if you select ‘Blender Scene’ at the ‘Render’ stage (available for some tiers), you will be able to load a custom clean plate into pre-made compositing nodes.

License and Security

Is there a limit in Commercial Usage from Wonder Studio?

There is no limit on commercial usage from the Wonder Studio side, you can use any assets and outputs from the platform freely. However, if you use any third party material in your video you would need to get that approved by the owner of that material. Please refer to our terms of service for more detailed information: Terms of Service

How secure is Wonder Studio?

Wonder Studio is built as a web browser app that uses the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, which is an industry leader in security practices and compliance controls.
Our current policies and procedures are aligned with ISO 27001 standards and the MPA’s TPN best practices. The uploaded media is only available and visible to you as the user.

Wonder Studio Project Types

Why does AI MoCap project type use fewer credits than Live Action project type?

The difference in credit cost between the two project types is due to the amount of cloud processing time used to get the desired end result.
Live Action generates motion capture data along with additional VFX elements which take more resources to process.
Since AI MoCap generates only the motion capture data and does not render your VFX shot, it uses fewer cloud processing resources and therefore costs fewer credits.

What outputs do I get with a Live Action Project?

Live Action (Easy or Advanced) projects output several different VFX elements and file types:

  • AI MoCap (FBX)
  • Clean Plate (PNG, JPG)
  • Alpha Masks (PNG)
  • Camera Track (FBX)
  • Blender Scene (BLEND)
  • Maya Scene (MA)
  • USD Scene (USD)
  • Unreal Engine Scene (UPROJECT)
  • Rendered VFX Shot (PNG, MP4)

What outputs do I get with an AI MoCap Project?

Live Action (Easy or Advanced) projects output several different VFX elements and file types:

AI MoCap projects output only motion capture data:

  • AI MoCap (FBX, USD)

What outputs do I get with an Animation / Video to 3D Scene Project?

Animation / Video to 3D Scene projects output several different VFX elements and file types:

  • AI MoCap (FBX)
  • Camera Track (FBX)
  • Blender Scene (BLEND)
  • Maya Scene (MA)
  • USD Scene (USD)
  • Unreal Engine Scene (UPROJECT)
  • Optional: Rendered VFX Shot (PNG, MP4)

Can I choose AI MoCap for some projects and Live Action for others, etc.?

Yes! You are free to choose between any project types that Wonder Studio offers on a per-project basis.

Get Help

💡 Have an issue that wasn’t answered? Please submit a support ticket here: Support Ticket
💡 You can also send a support request directly to: support@wonderdynamics.com